Lake Coogee
Site Type: Mythological
Archaeo./Ethno: Ethnographic
Side Id./Co-ords: 20866 / Coordinates: 384750mE, 6443650mN, GDA94, ±10m, Zone 50 (Reliable)
The mythological significance of the Lake Coogee site (ID.20866) encompasses all of Lake Coogee itself.
The mythological creation of Lake Coogee is mentioned in relation to a site called
‘JBE#1’ recorded by McDonald, Hales and Associates in mid-1997 during a survey of the Jervoise Bay area. According to an Aboriginal consultant for that survey, the myth concerns a sparrow and a hawk that flew to the round hole in the earth where the moon rested during the day. This hole is located in the vicinity of North Lake. The two birds stole fire from the moon in the form of a firestick.
They flew along the limestone ridge near the ocean. The bush caught fire. The moon called his uncle, the ocean, to help. The ocean rose and extinguished the fire. Nyungars were drowned and the lakes in the area were formed, including Lake Coogee (McDonald, Hales and Associates 1997:28-30).
Photo Laura Stocker
Photo Laura Stocker