Cockburn Road

Site Type: Mythological
Archaeo./Ethno: Ethnographic (associated Archaeological)
Side Id./Co-ords: 15840 / Coordinates: 383895mE, 6444044mN, Zone 50 (Reliable)

McDonald, Hales and Associates (1997) recorded Site 15840 (Cockburn Road), during a survey conducted under the Aboriginal Heritage Act (1972) with Nyungar Elders.
The site is the locus of a Nyungar narrative concerning the acquisition of fire, in a study undertaken in relation to developments at Jervoise Bay. Site 15840

(Cockburn Road) is registered as being Mythological and is associated with a limestone ridge mentioned for its proximity to archaeological sites. The account given for recording and registering the site has resonance with the two early accounts of Armstrong in 1837 and Moore in 1884, quoted by Brown (1983) as supporting the site ‘Indian Ocean’ (ID. 3776).

Photo Laura Stocker